
Introduction to Modern Cryptography(11)

Introduction to Modern Cryptography Reading Notes

11 Key Management and the Public-Key Revolution



  • key distribution
  • storing and managing large numbers of secret keys
  • inapplicability of private-key cryptography to open systems

密钥分发中心 KDC


online 可能是更好的做法,当 \(A\) 需要和 \(B\) 通信时,向 KDC 发送请求,KDC 像 \(A\)\(B\) 发送一个 session key(分别使用 \(k_A\)\(k_B\) 加密),然后 \(A\)\(B\) 通过 session key 交流。

Needham–Schroeder protocol \(A\) 发出请求后,KDC 把 \(\text{Enc}_{k_A}(k_{session})\)\(\text{Enc}_{k_B}(k_{session})\) 发送给 \(A\)\(A\) 将后者发送给 \(B\)。一般将 \(\text{Enc}_{k_B}(k_{session})\) 称为 ticket

密钥交换和 Diffie-Hellman Protocol

The key-exchange experiment \(\text{KE}^{\text{eav}}_{\mathcal{A},\Pi(n)}\):

  1. Two parties holding \(1^n\) execute protocol \(\Pi\). This results in a transcript \(\text{trans}\) containing all the messages sent by the parties, and a key \(k\) output by each of the parties.
  2. A uniform bit \(b\in\{0, 1\}\) is chosen. If \(b = 0\) set \(\hat k := k\), and if \(b = 1\) then choose uniform \(\hat k ∈ \{0, 1\}^n\).
  3. \(\mathcal{A}\) is given \(\text{trans}\) and \(\hat k\), and outputs a bit \(b'\).
  4. The output of the experiment is defined to be \(1\) if \(b' = b\), and \(0\) otherwise. (In case \(\text{KE}^{\text{eav}}_{\mathcal{A},\Pi(n)}=1\), we say that \(\mathcal{A}\) succeeds.)

A key-exchange protocol \(\Pi\) is secure in the presence of an eavesdropper if for all probabilistic polynomial-time adversaries \(\mathcal{A}\) there is a negligible function \(\text{negl}\) such that


Diffie-Hellman Protocol 实际上就是基于 \(k=g^{xy}=(g^x)^y=(g^y)^x\)

  • Common input: The security parameter \(1^n\)
  • The protocol:
  1. Alice runs \(\mathcal G(1^n)\) to obtain \((G, q, g)\).
  2. Alice chooses a uniform \(x\in \mathbb{Z}_q\), and computes \(h_A := g^x\).
  3. Alice sends \((G, q, g, h_A)\) to Bob.
  4. Bob receives \((G, q, g, h_A)\). He chooses a uniform \(y\in \mathbb{Z}_q\), and computes \(h_B := g^y\). Bob sends \(h_B\) to Alice and outputs the key \(k_B := h^y_A\).
  5. Alice receives \(h_B\) and outputs the key \(k_A := h^x_B\).

注意,Diffie-Hellman Protocol 会受到 man-in-the-middle attacks,即第三方可以截获 Alice 和 Bob 的消息,然后伪装成另一方分别和他们建立会话。