
Introduction to Modern Cryptography(12)

Introduction to Modern Cryptography Reading Notes

12 Public-Key Encryption


A public-key encryption scheme is a triple of probabilistic polynomial-time algorithms \((\text{Gen}, \text{Enc}, \text{Dec})\) such that:

  1. The key-generation algorithm \(\text{Gen}\) takes as input the security parameter \(1^n\) and outputs a pair of keys \((pk, sk)\). We refer to the first of these as the public key and the second as the private key. We assume for convenience that \(pk\) and \(sk\) each has length at least \(n\), and that \(n\) can be determined from \(pk\), \(sk\). The public key \(pk\) defines a message space \(\mathcal{M}_{pk}\).
  2. The encryption algorithm \(\text{Enc}\) takes as input a public key \(pk\) and message \(m\in \mathcal{M}_{pk}\), and outputs a ciphertext \(c\); we denote this by \(c \leftarrow \text{Enc}_{pk}(m)\). (Looking ahead, \(\text{Enc}\) will need to be probabilistic in order to achieve meaningful security.)
  3. The deterministic decryption algorithm \(\text{Dec}\) takes as input a private key \(sk\) and a ciphertext \(c\), and outputs a message \(m\) or a special symbol \(\perp\) denoting failure. We write this as \(m:=\text{Dec}_{sk}(c)\).

It is required that, except with negligible probability over the randomness of \(\text{Gen}\) and \(\text{Enc}\), we have \(\text{Dec}_{sk}(\text{Enc}_{pk}(m))=m\) for any message \(m\in \mathcal{M}_{pk}\).


The eavesdropping indistinguishability experiment \(\text{PubK}^{\text{eav}}_{\mathcal{A},\Pi(n)}\):

  1. \(\text{Gen}(1^n)\) is run to obtain keys \((pk, sk)\).
  2. Adversary \(\mathcal{A}\) is given \(pk\), and outputs a pair of equal-length messages \(m_0, m_1\in \mathcal{M}_{pk}\).
  3. A uniform bit \(b\in \{0, 1\}\) is chosen, and then a ciphertext \(c \leftarrow \text{Enc}_{pk}(m_b)\) is computed and given to \(\mathcal{A}\). We call \(c\) the challenge ciphertext.
  4. \(\mathcal{A}\) outputs a bit \(b'\). The output of the experiment is \(1\) if \(b' = b\), and \(0\) otherwise. If \(b' = b\) we say that \(\mathcal{A}\) succeeds.


A public-key encryption scheme \(\Pi=(\text{Gen}, \text{Enc}, \text{Dec})\) has indistinguishable encryptions in the presence of an eavesdropper if for all probabilistic polynomial-time adversaries \(\mathcal{A}\) there is a negligible function \(\text{negl}\) such that \[\text{Pr}[\text{PubK}^{\text{eav}}_{\mathcal{A},\Pi(n)}=1]\leq \frac12+\text{negl}(n)\]

它是等价于于 CPA-secure 的。


The LR-oracle experiment \(\text{PubK}^{\text{LR-cpa}}_{\mathcal{A},\Pi(n)}\):

  1. \(\text{Gen}(1^n)\) is run to obtain keys \((pk, sk)\).
  2. A uniform bit \(b\in\{0, 1\}\) is chosen.
  3. The adversary \(\mathcal{A}\) is given input \(pk\) and oracle access to \(\text{LR}_{pk,b}(\cdot, \cdot)\).
  4. The adversary \(\mathcal{A}\) outputs a bit \(b'\).
  5. The output of the experiment is defined to be \(1\) if \(b' = b\), and \(0\) otherwise. If \(\text{PubK}^{\text{LR-cpa}}_{\mathcal{A},\Pi(n)}=1\), we say that \(\mathcal{A}\) succeeds.

和上面类似,可以定义 indistinguishable multiple encryptions。事实上,满足 CPA-secure 的公钥加密方案都是indistinguishable multiple encryptions。(即它们都是等价的)



The CCA indistinguishability experiment \(\text{PubK}^{\text{cca}}_{\mathcal{A},\Pi(n)}\):

  1. \(\text{Gen}(1^n)\) is run to obtain keys \((pk, sk)\).
  2. The adversary \(\mathcal{A}\) is given \(pk\) and access to a decryption oracle \(\text{Dec}_{sk}(\cdot)\). It outputs a pair of messages \(m_0, m_1\in \mathcal{M}_{pk}\) of the same length.
  3. A uniform bit \(b\in\{0, 1\}\) is chosen, and then a ciphertext \(c\leftarrow \text{Enc}_{pk}(m_b)\) is computed and given to \(\mathcal{A}\).
  4. \(\mathcal{A}\) continues to interact with the decryption oracle, but may not request a decryption of \(c\) itself. Finally, \(\mathcal{A}\) outputs a bit \(b'\).
  5. The output of the experiment is defined to be \(1\) if \(b' = b\), and \(0\) otherwise.

由此定义 indistinguishable encryptions under a chosen-ciphertext attack,或称 CCA-secure

如果一个方案是 indistinguishable encryptions under a chosen-ciphertext attack,那么它也是 indistinguishable multiple encryptions under a chosenciphertext attack。


并联私钥加密和公钥加密,得到混合加密方案,(1) 选择一个密钥 \(k\sim\mathrm{Uniform}\);(2) 将 \(k\) 用公钥加密发送出去。一个更为直接的方式是使用一个公钥原语(primitive),key-encapsulation mechanism (KEM)

A key-encapsulation mechanism (KEM) is a tuple of probabilistic polynomial-time algorithms \((\text{Gen}, \text{Encaps}, \text{Decaps})\) such that:

  1. The key-generation algorithm \(\text{Gen}\) takes as input the security parameter \(1^n\) and outputs a public-/private-key pair \((pk, sk)\). We assume \(pk\) and \(sk\) each has length at least \(n\), and that \(n\) can be determined from \(pk\).
  2. The encapsulation algorithm \(\text{Encaps}\) takes as input a public key \(pk\) (which implicitly defines \(n\)). It outputs a ciphertext \(c\) and a key \(k\in\{0, 1\}^{\ell(n)}\) where \(\ell\) is the key length. We write this as \((c, k)\leftarrow \text{Encaps}_{pk}(1^n)\).
  3. The deterministic decapsulation algorithm \(\text{Decaps}\) takes as input a private key \(sk\) and a ciphertext \(c\), and outputs a key \(k\) or a special symbol \(\perp\) denoting failure. We write this as \(k:=\text{Decaps}_{sk}(c)\).

It is required that with all but negligible probability over the randomness of \(\text{Gen}\) and \(\text{Encaps}\), if \(\text{Encaps}_{pk}(1^n)\) outputs \((c, k)\) then \(\text{Decaps}_{sk}(c)\) outputs \(k\).

用 KEM 生成的密钥加密数据,称为 data-encapsulation mechanism (DEM),它是一个公钥加密方案。

Let \(\Pi=(\text{Gen}, \text{Encaps}, \text{Decaps})\) be a KEM with key length \(n\), and let \(\Pi'=(\text{Gen}',\text{Enc}',\text{Dec}')\) be a private-key encryption scheme. Construct a public-key encryption scheme \(\Pi^{\text{hy}}=(\text{Gen}^{\text{hy}}, \text{Enc}^{\text{hy}}, \text{Dec}^{\text{hy}})\) as follows:

  • \(\text{Gen}^{\text{hy}}\): on input \(1^n\) run \(\text{Gen}(1^n)\) and use the public and private keys \((pk, sk)\) that are output.

  • \(\text{Enc}^{\text{hy}}\): on input a public key \(pk\) and a message \(m\in\{0, 1\}^∗\) do:

    1. Compute \((c, k)\leftarrow \text{Encaps}_{pk}(1^n)\).
    2. Compute \(c'\leftarrow \text{Enc}'_k(m)\).
    3. Output the ciphertext \(\langle c, c'\rangle\).
  • \(\text{Dec}^{\text{hy}}\): on input a private key \(sk\) and a ciphertext \(\langle c, c'\rangle\) do:

    1. Compute \(k := \text{Decaps}_{sk}(c)\).
    2. Output the message \(m := \text{Dec}'_k(c')\).

下面定义 KEM 的 CPA-secure

The CPA indistinguishability experiment \(\text{KEM}^{\text{cpa}}_{\mathcal{A},\Pi(n)}\):

  1. \(\text{Gen}(1^n)\) is run to obtain keys \((pk, sk)\). Then \(\text{Encaps}_{pk}(1^n)\) is run to generate \((c, k)\) with \(k\in\{0, 1\}^n\).
  2. A uniform bit \(b\in\{0, 1\}\) is chosen. If \(b = 0\) set \(\hat k := k\). If \(b = 1\) then choose a uniform \(\hat k\in \{0, 1\}^n\).
  3. Give \((pk, c, \hat k)\) to \(\mathcal{A}\), who outputs a bit \(b'\) . The output of the experiment is defined to be \(1\) if \(b' = b\), and \(0\) otherwise.

\(\text{Pr}[\text{KEM}^{\text{cpa}}_{\mathcal{A},\Pi(n)}]\leq\frac12+\text{negl}(n)\), 称其为 CPA-secure。

如果 \(\Pi\) 是 CPA-secure 的, \(\Pi'\) 是 EAV-secure 的(注意这里不要求 \(\Pi'\) CPA-secure),那么 \(\Pi^{\text{hy}}\) 是 CPA-secure 的。(证明 skip)

但是,如果 \(\Pi'\) 不是 CCA-secure 的,那么 \(\Pi^{\text{hy}}\) 也不是 CCA-secure 的。(因为即使攻击者无法知道密钥,也可以调用 \(\text{Decaps}\) 知晓一些关于解密结果的信息)

先定义 KEM 的 CCA-secure

The CCA indistinguishability experiment \(\text{KEM}^{\text{cca}}_{\mathcal{A},\Pi(n)}\):

  1. \(\text{Gen}(1^n)\) is run to obtain keys \((pk, sk)\). Then \(\text{Encaps}_{pk}(1^n)\) is run to generate \((c, k)\) with \(k\in\{0, 1\}^n\).
  2. Choose a uniform bit \(b\in\{0, 1\}\). If \(b = 0\) set \(\hat k := k\). If \(b = 1\) then choose a uniform \(\hat k\in\{0, 1\}^n\).
  3. \(\mathcal{A}\) is given \((pk, c, \hat k)\) and access to an oracle \(\text{Decaps}_{sk}(\cdot)\), but may not request decapsulation of \(c\) itself.
  4. \(\mathcal{A}\) outputs a bit \(b'\). The output of the experiment is defined to be \(1\) if \(b' = b\), and \(0\) otherwise.

\(\text{Pr}[\text{KEM}^{\text{cca}}_{\mathcal{A},\Pi(n)}=1]\leq \frac12+\text{negl}(n)\),称其为 CCA-secure。

如果 \(\Pi\) 是 CCA-secure 的, \(\Pi'\) 是 CCA-secure 的,那么 \(\Pi^{\text{hy}}\) 是 CCA-secure 的。(证明 skip)

CDH/DDH-Based Encryption

The El Gamal encryption scheme 的构造如下

Let \(\mathcal G\) be a polynomial-time algorithm that takes as input \(1^n\) and (except possibly with negligible probability) outputs a description of a cyclic group \(\mathbb G\), its order \(q\) (with \(||q||=n\)), and a generator \(g\). Define a public-key encryption scheme as follows:

  • \(\text{Gen}\): on input \(1^n\) run \(\mathcal G(1^n)\) to obtain \((\mathbb G, q, g)\). Then choose a uniform \(x\in \mathbb{Z}_q\) and compute \(h:=g^x\). The public key is \(\langle \mathbb G, q, g, h\rangle\) and the private key is \(\langle \mathbb G, q, g, x\rangle\) . The message space is \(\mathbb G\).
  • \(\text{Enc}\): on input a public key \(pk = \langle\mathbb G, q, g, h\rangle\) and a message \(m\in \mathbb G\), choose a uniform \(y\in \mathbb{Z}_q\) and output the ciphertext \[\langle g^y, h^y\cdot m\rangle\]
  • \(\text{Dec}\): on input a private key \(sk = \langle\mathbb G, q, g, x\rangle\) and a ciphertext \(\langle c_1, c_2\rangle\) , output \[\hat m := c_2/c_1^x\]

如果 DDH problem 对于 \(\mathcal G\) 是难的,那么它是 CPA-secure 的。(证明 skip)

可以将 El Gamal encryption scheme 用于 KEM,可以使用一个哈希函数 \(H\)\(m\) 映射到一个01串,将 \(H(m)\) 作为密钥。其实还有更简便的做法,实际上 \(g^{xy}\) 也是无法区分的,可以直接将 \(H(g^{xy})\) 作为密钥。

下面给出具体细节(DDH-Based Key Encapsulation)

Let G be as in the previous section. Define a KEM as follows:

  • \(\text{Gen}\): on input \(1^n\) run \(\mathcal G(1^n)\) to obtain \((\mathbb G, q, g)\). choose a uniform \(x\in \mathbb{Z}_q\) and set \(h:=g^x\). Also specify a function \(H:G\to \{0, 1\}^{\ell(n)}\) for some function \(\ell\) (see text). The public key is \(\langle \mathbb G, q, g, h, H\rangle\) and the private key is \(\langle \mathbb G, q, g, x\rangle\).
  • \(\text{Encaps}\): on input a public key \(pk = \langle \mathbb G, q, g, h, H\rangle\) , choose a uniform \(y\in\mathbb{Z}_q\) and output the ciphertext \(g^y\) and the key \(H(h^y)\).
  • \(\text{Decaps}\): on input a private key \(sk =\langle \mathbb G, q, g, x\rangle\) and a ciphertext \(c\in \mathbb G\), output the key \(H(c^x)\).

同样,可以证明,如果 DDH problem 对于 \(\mathcal G\) 是难的,那么它是 CPA-secure KEM。

(后面还有两小节,先 skip)

RSA-Based Encryption

plain RSA 是不安全的。

Padded RSA

Let \(\text{GenRSA}\) be as before, and let \(\ell\) be a function with \(\ell(n) < 2n\). Define a public-key encryption scheme as follows:

  • \(\text{Gen}\): on input \(1^n\), run \(\text{GenRSA}(1^n)\) to obtain \((N, e, d)\). Output the public key \(pk=\langle N, e\rangle\), and the private key \(sk = \langle N, d\rangle\).
  • \(\text{Enc}\): on input a public key \(pk=\langle N, e\rangle\) and a message \(m\in\{0, 1\}^{||N||−\ell(n)−1}\), choose a uniform string \(r\in\{0, 1\}^{\ell(n)}\) and interpret \(\hat m := r||m\) as an element of \(\mathbb{Z}^∗_N\). Output the ciphertext \[c:=[\hat m^e \mod N]\]
  • \(\text{Dec}\): on input a private key \(sk = \langle N, d\rangle\) and a ciphertext \(c\in Z^∗_N\), compute \[\hat m:=[c^d \mod N]\], and output the \(||N||−\ell(n)−1\) least-significant bits of \(\hat m\).

RSA PKCS #1 v1.5 全称 RSA Laboratories Public-Key Cryptography Standard (PKCS) #1 version 1.5

对于公钥 \(pk=\langle N, e\rangle\), 令整数 \(k\) 满足 \(2^{8(k-1)}\leq N< 2^{8k}\),消息长度范围是从 \(1\)\(k-11\),加密方式如下 \[[(\text{0x00}||\text{0x01}||r||\text{0x00}||m)^e\mod N]\] 其中 \(r\) 是一个随机的,长度为 \(k-D-3\) byte 的,每一个 byte 都不为 \(\text{0x00}\) 的串。

不幸的是,PKCS #1 v1.5 不是 CPA-secure,因为它允许使用过短的随机串 \(r\)。因此我们需要保证 \(r\) 的长度至少为 \(||N||/e\)。但是,它会受到选择密文攻击。
