3 Fundamental MPC Protocols
Yao’s Garbled Circuit Protocol (Yao’s GC)
Parameters: Boolean circuit \(\mathcal C\) implementing function \(\mathcal F\), security parameter \(\kappa\).
GC generation:
- Wire Label Generation. For each wire \(w_i\) of \(\mathcal C\), randomly choose wire labels,
\[w_i^b = (k_i^b\in_R\{0, 1\}^{\kappa}, p_i^b\in_R\{0,1\})\] , such that \(p_i^b = 1−p^{1−b}_i\).- Garbled Circuit Construction. For each gate \(G_i\) of \(\mathcal C\) in topological order:
- Assume \(G_i\) is a \(2\)-input Boolean gate implementing function \(g_i\): \(w_c = g_i(w_a, w_b)\), where input labels are \(w^0_a = (k^0_a, p^0_a), w^1_a =(k^1_a, p^1_a), w^0_b= (k^0_b, p^0_b), w^1_b= (k^1_b, p^1_b)\), and the output labels are \(w^0_c = (k^0_c, p^0_c), w^1_c = (k^1_c, p^1_c)\).
- Create \(G_i\)’s garbled table. For each of \(2^2\) possible combinations of \(G_i\)’s input values \(v_a, v_b\in\{0, 1\}\), set
\[e_{v_a,v_b} = H(k^{v_a}_a|| k^{v_b}_b|| i)\oplus w_c^{g_i(v_a,v_b)}\] Sort entries \(e\) in the table by the input pointers, placing entry \(e_{v_a,v_b}\) in position \(\langle p^{v_a}_a , p^{v_b}_b\rangle\).- Output Decoding Table. For each circuit-output wire \(w_i\) (the output of gate \(G_j\)) with labels \(w_i^0 = (k_i^0, p^0_i), w_i^1 = (k_i^1, p_1^i)\), create garbled output table for both possible wire values \(v\in\{0, 1\}\). Set
\[e_v=H(k_i^v||\text{"out"}||j)\oplus v\]
(Because we are xoring with a single bit, we just use the lowest bit of the output of \(H\) for generating the above \(e_v\).) Sort entries \(e\) in the table by the input pointers, placing entry ev in position \(p_i^v\). (There is no conflict, since \(p^1_i= p^0_i\oplus 1\).)
接下来是 \(P_1\) 和 \(P_2\) 的具体交互过程.
Parameters: Parties \(P_1\) and \(P_2\) with inputs \(x\in\{0, 1\}^n\) and \(y\in\{0, 1\}^n\) respectively. Boolean circuit \(\mathcal C\) implementing function \(\mathcal F\).
- \(P_1\) plays the role of GC generator and runs the algorithm of Figure 3.1. \(P_1\) then sends the obtained GC \(\hat C\) (including the output decoding table) to \(P_2\).
- \(P_1\) sends to \(P_2\) active wire labels for the wires on which \(P_1\) provides input.
- For each wire \(w_i\) on which \(P_2\) provides input, \(P_1\) and \(P_2\) execute an Oblivious Transfer (OT) where \(P_1\) plays the role of the Sender, and \(P_2\) plays the role of the Receiver:
- \(P_1\)’s two input secrets are the two labels for the wire, and \(P_2\)’s choice-bit input is its input on that wire.
- Upon completion of the OT, \(P_2\) receives active wire label on the wire.
- \(P_2\) evaluates received \(\hat C\) gate-by-gate, starting with the active labels on the input wires.
- For gate \(G_i\) with garbled table \(T = (e_{0,0},...e_{1,1})\) and active input labels \(w_a = (k_a, p_a), w_b = (k_b, p_b)\), \(P_2\) computes active output label \(w_c = (k_c, p_c)\): \[w_c = H(k_a || k_b || i)\oplus e_{p_a,p_b}\]
- Obtaining output using output decoding tables. Once all gates of \(\hat C\) are evaluated, using “out” for the second key to decode the final output gates, \(P_2\) obtains the final output labels which are equal to the plaintext output of the computation. \(P_2\) sends the obtained output to \(P_1\), and they both output it.
GMW Protocol
Yao’s GC 只能支持只有两方的情况, 如果需要支持不少于三方, 则需要新的技术支持. 但是 GMW 协议 (Goldreich-Micali-Wigderson (GMW) Protocol) 天然支持这一点.
先讲只有两方的情况. 不失一般性地, 我们只考虑NOT, XOR 和 AND 三个门. 对于每根导线(即 wire, 表示某个门电路的输入或输出, 用 \(w_i\) 来表示), \(P_1\) 和 \(P_2\) 都将各自持有它的一个“部分”(share) \(s_i^1\) 和 \(s_i^2\), 这根导线的实际值为 \(s_i^1\oplus s_i^2\). \(P_1\) 和 \(P_2\) 最终只需要把最终输出导线的值展示给对方, 他们就都可以通过异或操作得到计算结果.
具体来说, \(P_1\) 对于自己的输入
\(x_1,...,x_n\), 生成一列随机数 \(r_1,...,r_n\), 然后将 \(r_1,...,r_n\) 发送给 \(P_2\) 作为 \(P_2\) 的 share, 而将自己的 share 设为 \(x_1\oplus r_1,...,x_n\oplus r_n\). 如此,
只需要将双方的 share 进行异或操作, 就可以得到真正的输入值 \(r_1\oplus (x_1\oplus r_1)=x_1\). \(P_2\) 也进行同样的操作.
然后双方各自计算逻辑电路 \(\mathcal
C\). 当遇到 NOT 门时, 直接将自己所持有的 share 取反, 因为 \((\lnot s_i^1)\oplus(\lnot s_i^2)=\lnot(s_i^1\oplus
s_i^2)\), 也就是说操作完成后双方 share
异或的结果确实等于输入实际值 NOT 的结果.
遇到 XOR 门时, 也是直接将自己持有的两个输入的 share 取异或, 因为 \((s_i^1\oplus s_j^1)\oplus(s_i^2\oplus
s_j^2)=(s_i^1\oplus s_i^2)\oplus(s_j^1\oplus s_j^2)\).
遇到 AND 门时, 就需要双方进行交流了. \(P_1\) 生成一个随机数 \(r\in_R\{0,1\}\) 作为自己的 share,
然后枚举两根输入导线 \(P_2\) 那边的
share 的可能值, 计算出四种情况下输出导线的实际值, 利用 1-out-of-4 OT
将实际值与 \(r\) 的异或值发送给 \(P_2\).
可以将上述过程拓展为 \(n\) 方计算. 对于某一方的一个输入, 该方生成 \(n-1\) 个随机数发送给其他方作为他们的 share, 将这些随机数与自己输入的异或值作为自己的 share. NOT 和 XOR 门的操作都与两方情形一样. 对于 AND 门, 由于 \[(\oplus_{k=1}^{n}s_i^k)\land(\oplus_{k=1}^{n}s_j^k)=(\oplus_{k=1}^{n}(s_i^k\land s_j^k))\oplus(\oplus_{k_1\neq k_2}(s_i^{k_1}\land s_j^{k_2}))\] 可以各自计算 \(s_i^k\oplus s_j^k\), 然后 \(P_{k_1}\) 和 \(P_{k_2}\) 之间通过 1-out-of-4 OT 计算 \(s_i^{k_1}\land s_j^{k_2}\) 的两个 share.
BGW Protocol
BGW protocol 非常依赖于 Shamir sercret shares, 它天然可以处理算数电路.
用 \([v]\) 表示各方持有 \(v\) 的 Shamir secret shares. 随机生成一个多项式 \(p\), 它的度数不超过 \(t\), 并且常数项 \(p(0)=v\), \(P_i(1\leq i\leq n)\) 持有的 share 为 \(p(i)\). \(t\) 表示 sharing 的阈值, 即任意 \(t\) 个 share 都无法泄露 \(v\) 的任何信息. 当知道至少 \(t+1\) 方的 share 时, 可以通过高斯消元或拉格朗日插值获取 \(p(0)\) 的值.
协议的具体过程如下. 每一方都将持有的输入值 \(v\) 的 share \([v]\) 分发给各方. 当遇到加法门时, 每一方都将自己持有的 share 相加即可, 这样得到的多项式 \(p=p_1+p_2\) 满足 \(p(0)=p_1(0)+p_2(0)\). 当遇到乘法门时, 直接相乘是不可行的, 因为 \(p=p_1\cdot p_2\) 的度数超过 \(t\), 需要对其进行降次操作. 由拉格朗日插值可知, \[p(0)=\sum_{i=1}^{2t+1}\lambda_i p(i)\] \(P_1,P_2...P_{2t+1}\) 将持有的 \(p(i)\) 的 share \([p(i)]\) 分发出去即可.
由于乘法门的存在, 需要满足 \(n\geq 2t+1\), 否则可能无法降次.
MPC From Preprocessed Multiplication Triples
通过预处理, 可以使满足一些性质的协议 (例如上一节提到的 BGW 协议) 在一定程度上规避交流开销.
以 BGW 协议为例, 各方预先分发 \([a]\), \([b]\), \([c]\), 其中 \(c=a+b\), 任意 \(t\) 方都无法根据自己的 shares 获知 \(a,b,c\) 的任何信息. 当遇到乘法门 (输入为 \(v_{\alpha},v_{\beta}\)) 时, 各方公开 \([v_{\alpha}-a]\) 和 \([v_{\beta}-b]\), 设 \(d=v_{\alpha}-a,e=v_{\beta}-b\). \(v_{\alpha}\cdot v_{\beta}=(d+a)(e+b)=de+ea+db+c\), 也就是说 \([v_{\alpha}\cdot v_{\beta}]=de+e[a]+d[b]+[c]\), 而加法门是不需要进行交互的, 因此我们实现了只通过两次”公开“操作完成乘法门的计算.
- 加法同态. 对于 \([a]\) 和 \([b]\), 以及一个公开值 \(c\), 各方可以在内部计算 \([a+b], [a+c], [ca]\)
- 可公开. 参与计算的各方可以选择公开 \([x]\), 使每一方都知道 \(x\) 的值.
- 隐私性. 任何攻击者无法从 \([a]\) 中获取 \(a\) 的任何信息.
- Beaver 三元组. 对于每一个乘法门, 各方拥有一个三元组 \([a],[b],[c]\), 其中 \(c=ab\).
- 随机输入组件. 对于 \(P_i\) 的某个输入 \(x\), \(P_i\) 将自己产生的一个随机数 \(r\) 分发出去 \([r]\), 然后公开 \(\delta=x-r\), 即可实现 \(x\) 的分发.
Constant-Round Multi-Party Computation: BMR
Parameters: Boolean circuit \(\mathcal C\) implementing function \(\mathcal F\).
Let \(F : id, \{0, 1\}^{\kappa+1}\to\{0, 1\}^{n\cdot(\kappa+1)}\) be a PRF.
Players: \(P_1,P_2,...,P_n\) with inputs \(x_1,...,x_n\in\{0, 1\}^k\).
GC generation:
- For each wire \(w_i\) of \(\mathcal C\), each \(P_j\) randomly chooses wire sublabels,\(w_{i,j}^b= (k_{i,j}^b, p_{i,j}^b)\in_R\{0, 1\}^{\kappa+1}\), such that \(p_{i,j}^b= 1 − p_{i,j}^{1−b}\), and flip bit shares \(f_{i,j}\in_R\{0, 1\}\). For each wire \(w_i,P_j\) locally computes its underlying-MPC input, \[I_{i,j} = (F(i, w_{i,j}^0), F(i, w_{i,j}^1), p^0_{i,j}, f_{i,j})\]
- For each gate \(G_i\) of \(\mathcal C\) in parallel, all players participate in \(n\)-party MPC to compute the garbled table, taking as input all players’ inputs \(x_1,...,x_n\) as well as pre-computed values \(I_{i,j}\), by evaluating the following function:
- Assume \(G_i\) is a \(2\)-input Boolean gate implementing function \(g\), with input wires \(w_a, w_b\) and output wire \(w_c\).
- Compute pointer bits \(p^0_a =\oplus_{j=1..n}p^0_{a,j},p^0_b =\oplus_{j=1..n}p^0_{b,j},p^0_c =\oplus_{j=1..n}p^0_{c,j}\), and set \(p^1_a = 1 − p^0_a, p^1_b= 1 − p^0_b, p^1_c = 1 − p^0_c\). Similarly compute flip bits \(f_a,f_b,f_c\) by xor-ing the corresponding flip bit shares submitted by the parties. Amend the semantics of the wires according to the flip bits by xor-ing \(f_a, f_b, f_c\) in the label index as appropriate (included in the next steps).
- Create \(G_i\)’s garbled table. For each of 2^2 possible combinations of \(G_i\)’s input values, \(v_a,v_b\in\{0,1\}\), set \[e_{v_a,v_b} = w^{v_c\oplus f_c}_c\oplus_{j=1..n}(F(i,w^{v_a\oplus f_a}_{a,j})\oplus F(i, w^{v_b\oplus f_b}_{b,j}))\] ,where \(w^0_c = w^0_{c,1}||...||w^0_{c,n}||p^0_c\), \(w^1_c=w^1_{c,1}||...||w^1_{c,n}||p^1_c\). Sort entries \(e\) in the table, placing entry \(e_{v_a,v_b}\) in position \((p^{v_a}_a , p^{v_b}_b)\).
- Output to \(P_1\) the computed garbled tables, as well as active wire labels inputs of \(\mathcal C\), as selected by players’ inputs, \(x_1,...,x_n\).
Information-Theoretic Garbled Circuits
Oblivious Transfer
一个基础的 public key-based OT: \(\mathcal R\) 生成一个密钥公钥对 \((sk,pk)\) 和一个随机数 \(r\), 然后发送 \((pk, r)\) 或者 \((r, pk)\), \(\mathcal S\) 接收到 \((pk_0,pk_1)\) (他不知道哪个是 \(pk\), 哪个是 \(r\)), 发送 \((\text{Enc}_{pk_0}(x_0),\text{Enc}_{pk_1}(x_1))\). 它对于 semi-honest 是安全的, 但是攻击者可以生成两对密钥公钥, 将两个公钥发送出去, 从而同时获知 \(x_0,x_1\).
Beaver 提出了一种初始化方法, 可以通过较少次数的公钥加密操作, 实现多项式次 OT. 设 \(m\) 为一个批次(batch)的 OT 次数, 我们将使用 \(\kappa\) 次 OT 操作完成一个批次的 \(m\) 个 OT 操作.
\(\mathcal R\) 生成一个 \(\kappa\) bit 的随机数 \(r\), 利用 psuedorandom generator \(G\) 生成长度为 \(m\) 的伪随机数. 设 \(\mathcal R\) 的 \(m\) 次 OT 选择为 \(b=b_1...b_m\). \(\mathcal R\) 将 \(G(r)\oplus b\) 的值发给 \(\mathcal S\). 此时 \(\mathcal S\) 和 \(\mathcal R\) 通过 Yao’s GC 共同计算一个函数 \(F\), \(F\) 的输入为 \(r\) 和 \(\mathcal S\) 在 \(m\) 次 OT 准备的值 \((x_1^0,x_1^1),...,(x_m^0,x_m^1)\), \(F\) 根据 \(G(r)\oplus b\) 的值获取 \(b\) 并计算该返回给 \(\mathcal R\) 的值. 需要注意的一点是, \(\mathcal R\) 不执行最后一步, 即将计算值发送给 \(\mathcal S\).